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Deep Dive Into The Current Cryptocurrency Market Trend

The cryptocurrency market is always on 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It never sleeps, takes a day or weekend off - not even on holidays like Christmas. The digital asset class enables a globally connected market like never before, both being a blessing and a curse to traders and investors. Because of how fast paced the market is, trends are rapidly changing as each cryptocurrency evolves within the financial space.

Being speculative assets, cryptocurrencies are subject to extreme shifts in sentiment that result in the digital asset class’s notorious hallmark volatility. But it is that same volatility that makes cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and others so attractive in the first place.

It is that type of volatility that is responsible for the life-changing wealth these assets can generate, but it is a double-edged sword that depending on the trend can also wipe out capital in a flash.

Introduction: What’s New In Crypto Trends For 2021?

Bitcoin as the most dominant cryptocurrency being back in a bull market has caused all other cryptocurrencies to perform in the positive since. Ethereum, as the top ranked altcoin that is integral to the DeFi explosion of 2020, also had an incredible year. Most importantly, cryptocurrencies finally became widely adopted by hedge funds and large wealth institutional investors who are investing millions of dollars of cash reserves in Bitcoin.

This guide offers a deeper look at the current trends taking shape across the crypto market today in 2021. But first, let’s look back at what happened in 2020, and how these developments are still evolving from there.

2020 Trending Cryptocurrencies Remembered

Here’s What’s New For 2021 In Cryptocurrency Trends

What To Expect For The Rest Of 2021 Cryptocurrency Market Trends

What To Expect Beyond 2021

Summary: Recapping Cryptocurrency Market Trends For 2021 And What Lies Ahead

Crypto markets are always changing, as history has shown. One minute, things are in a full blown bull market, but in a blink can turn bearish for years to come. The one way to be ready for everything is to register to PrimeXBT and trade the trending cryptocurrency Bitcoin now, so you can be ready for when the reversal comes and another bear market is here.

Crypto Market Trends FAQ: Commonly Asked Questions About Crypto Trends

Which Cryptocurrency Will Rise In 2021?

Bitcoin and Ethereum are almost certain to rise in 2021. However, all cryptocurrencies are speculative assets and there’s no way to tell for sure what might happen, which is why trading is best.

Will There Be A Cryptocurrency Bull Run In 2021?

There already is a cryptocurrency bull market in 2021, and it should keep going throughout the year until the bear market starts in 2022.

Will A Bear Market Follow In 2022?

Given the repeating four year cycles in crypto markets, another bear market is right around the corner.

Which Crypto Will Survive?

Bitcoin and Ethereum are bound to survive. And because Litecoin, EOS, and others have also survived past bear markets, there’s no reason to assume they won’t withstand another.

Can Crypto Make You Rich?

Crypto has made a lot of people a lot of money, and will continue to do so. People also lose money in crypto, so be careful.

How To Understand Cryptocurrency Trends?

Understanding crypto trends is easy. If the number is increasing regularly, it’s a bull market. If it’s going down, it’s a bear market.


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