5 Apr 2022Pavl
EverFX has withdrawal issues that they can't even adequately comment on. Sent a withdrawal request. According to the system, the application should be processed within one working day. After a working day, the request is not executed and simply disappears from the transaction history! At the same time, consultants cannot explain this in any way - they say there was no application, but I just dreamed that I applied. I have never seen such arrogance! Now every time I make a screenshot of the story so that there is at least some argument.
11 Aug 2021Gideon Desmarais
The website has disappeared with all my money!
29 Jul 2021Enock K Langat
Indeed it is a terrible experience, I have lost close to 400004$! One financial adviser Mohammed has been on my feet, I first made good profit, when I wanted to withrow, he complain and immediately wanted me upgrade, sheepishly I did and now i have lost money. Real scam
26 Oct 2021Yaya
Another scam company. Lost all my money. I managed to withdraw my first small deposit back, and they convinced me to deposit more. I did and I heard nothing from them since then. This is a total scam.
1 Jun 2021Alif
I personally think it's a scam with the way he tried to make me do a deposit, trying to convince me to use their platform and all. The one obvious thing is that he said he's from Ukraine when the number obviously shows that its coming from Malaysia.
18 May 2021Patrick
Don't put your money in this broker! They are a complete scam! They charge $65 for not being active every 2 months, without warning, and when you realize and want to withdraw the funds they won't let you! In my many years of trading I have never seen anything like this with any broker.
25 May 2021Shantelle
I was gonna invest in it but am looking to change my mind after reading all these reviews, are they really scammers?
18 May 2021Guest
EverFX sent me an email to say they are stoping their business in the UK due to regulation. So you have one day to get your money out folks. I wonder what would happen to cash fx who says that Everfx are their brokers?
15 Jul 2021Alberto Gibertini
And then they payed back?
14 May 2021Mark
Flashy website, "but all the glitters is not gold". On my first trade their account manager advised that I should "Buy" on information just released which I later discovered unequivocally indicated "Sell". The price didn't just slide, it went off the edge of a cliff. The thing was as soon as I'd placed the trade their account manager told me it would drop at first but not to worry, so he obviously knew the direction of travel. So, why would they deliberately steer people into losing money? I'm obviously not the first judging by the many unhappy comments here and right across the internet. Therefore I can only conclude it's a well practised scam. Stay well clear, but if you've already lost money with these people simply complain to the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority), because this company ought to be rigorously investigated and hopefully closed down.
7 May 2021Daniel
Worst platform, they promise you bonus but is of any help, the account manager is more stupid people in the trading. they make you only to lose money and after they call you to put mor. if you want to lose you money go whit them.
5 May 2021Enos Ngobeni
I don't trust this people. I lost R8000 they asked me to to choose the money I want to trade. I choose R500 and ask to deposit online within 2 min my R8000 was go. now they keep calling to send my documents such a ID copy and bank statement. what must I do send or cancel them. they call me every hour to send, help me.
4 May 2021guest
They say that they provide a platform but they also provide the investment advise to beginners like myself. It's a scam, no trading, just a scam.
30 Apr 2021Mthokozisi
Thankyou so much for your reviews. They just finished calling me now as I had to cut the call and look for my bank card, I then decided to first do some online research and go through any reviews. The guy who called was so upset at me why I didn't have my card not able to make the deposit immediately. The way he was so pushy made me think they could be something wrong here. Why be so forceful for me to make the deposit yet I had said I have never traded before. Thankyou everyone.
17 May 2021Neil Soogrim
Yes they are really nasty people pushed me to enter more and more then purposely crashed my money to 0.
22 Apr 2021Shaun
Hi I also lost money with these scammers, I started with an account of $250 , and after it made 2 small profits, then was asked to upgrade to $2500, which I did, I made $615 in an hour and a half , and then I made a small withdraw all ok, then after I got my money upto $3200 they gave me 2 buy trades which ended up both in loses taking all but $768 which I then withdraw, they told me it was a buy trade which every one was doing, if I had done a sell trade I would have made over $3000, scamming gits they new it was a sell trade.
13 Apr 2021Hilly
EverFX is the biggest scam. Please save your money in the bank or in a draw at home. don't believe these people. They take your money and after 2 days they request you invest bigger from 2500 and up. And when you decline they get angry and sacrastic. And the money you have invested they make you lose it. One guy named Joshua, he is an account manager, very smooth in talking and very convincing. Please be careful of these people. They are trained to scam.
11 Feb 2021Estelle Koch
I am gonna sue EverFX for they cut my leverage when I had opened positions. The margin level fell to 100 percent. I begged them to imediatement give me back my leverage which they didn't do. I have to close trades in negative making me lose a lot of money to prevent account from crashing. I will make them a court case. If you want to join me you can write to me here. just wait I get them to court to get my money back.
29 Sep 2021Saila Gaffur
Hi Estelle. How are you getting on with pursuing your case with EverFX? I have similar experience and would like to join you.
4 Feb 2021Anthony
I honestly wish I could give a lower review. One thing I hate is a broker trying to get you to join their platform and upset like seriously pissed off if you wouldn't. I had to hang up on the broker from EverFX just now it's disgusting how they are. I signed up to check out their platform and honestly, it was before I did my due diligence. Thankfully I did not deposit any money just yet like many of the people before me on here. When the broker called I told them that I am looking for a broker but I was just checking them out (btw she wanted me to deposit money now then and there which is all they care about) and I was looking for a broker I could trade my EA on as I already do manual trading but this new account would be specifically for that. She didn't want to hear that I was just looking around but anyhow eventually got her to agree to call me back the day after. During that time I did my research and honestly, I did not like what I saw so I decided you know what there were too many bad reviews about this company I will not risk it so I told the broker politely the next day when she called that I will not be interested and I apologize. I told her this company does not have a good reputation and I am not willing to put my money in your firm I have gone somewhere else. She raised her voice and told me when I fail there because she hasn't heard about the company and I will come back and said goodbye and hung up. Today one day after this incident she has the nerve to call me again. I told her "As I told you before I am not interested and I will not be joining." She persisted and said she wanted some of my time to discuss it more so I said ok ok however I am really tied up now and cant talk call me back at another time. You know this woman told me NO you will listen to me Now. Like seriously what or who these people think they are. I told her well this is why I see all the bad reviews are true and hung up. People do not deal with companies like this. they do not have your best interest in heart. When searching from a brokerage firm do your due diligence first before even signing up.
9 Mar 2021Kenny
Hi Anthony, I also registered today but did not deposit any money. They called from Ukraine but I was not interested and asked them to delete my account. I also sent them an email to delete an account. Is it enough?
31 Jan 2021Anon
Has anyone ever successfully sued EverFX?. I just lost over $55000 with them and have no hope of getting it back. If anyone has any suggestions of legal representatives please et me know. I'm devastated as its everything I had wiped out.
3 Jun 2021Anon
I've lost all my savings, my deposit about $80000 I'm so going through FOS and action fraud. They also took unauthorised payments of $1418 this week. When I questioned them about being a scam like they grabbed what they could before I walked disgusting. Hopefully as a lot on a credit card may be able to claim back that route.
19 Jan 2021L.D.
I'm currently with Everfx and have been for just over a week. It's nothing but stress. They hustle you to deposit as much money as possible and don't explain anything to you! They've taken advantage of me because i'm an inexperienced investor wanting to start fresh in life after the pandemic is over. My account manager has not explained to me what certain things mean or given me any warning of responsibilities i might have with my account (margin call). He just got me on board as quick as possible. I really thought that i was smarter than this. It's only now i've realised how much pain this broker is going to cause in the next few days. I'm most likely going to leave with nothing. I worked so hard for the money that i saved and now i have to say goodbye to it. To anyone reading this, always do your research before signing up to a firm. I was very naive.
4 Jun 2021Naomi
I was done the same on 2/5/2021 I lost everything.
31 Dec 2020Manick
The account manager pushing you to invest to use credit cards. And do not accept when you say you do not have any money to invest keep saying use a debit card. I said i have to take my money to pay back my credit card. She said you have to open some trades and make more money and we will see after. I listened to her and regret and i am losing. So far i have not able to do anything i have 3 trades on negatives can not afford to close. My advise do not trust them they are a scam and take all your money by saying is your depisit you can take it anytime but they are making it so difficult.
27 Nov 2020Hussein Mahmoud Adib
Don't listen to the account manager. All everfx wants is for you to deposit more and more money. They will give you tips with no stop loss, guess why? Fastest way to margin an account. They got me for $1K but I managed to get out.
Actually once I examined the tips they gave me, and I would have made a killing, had I did the opposite! Ex. Told me to sell oil on Nov 3, 2020! Oil went up 26% since.
11 Nov 2020William Lodder
Thank you all for this advice. I will not even start to invest a test of waters to the amount of $250. They will be calling me later today and I will tell them where to climb off!
18 Jul 2021Christine
I almost invested with them, thanks for advice.
14 Oct 2020Brown
Hi, yes I've had the same bad experience 3 times! They sell you dreams, build up your account and then when it's time to withdraw your always getting denied and you have more than enough money to withdraw. Today is my last time I'll ever work with them. I deposited 1000$ last month on the 17 or 18th, after that I was being pressured to upgrade my account for 2500$ but I didn't. After profits I requested to withdraw some funds but i was denied. I spoke with my account manager and explained my situation as to why I need it so badly. he told me we need to open up a few more trades and once they close in profit we'll go head a make that withdrawal. Later today I went and check my account -0.00$ I emailed him to give me a call to see what is what, no answer. This is the 3rd and final time this has happened to me and I will never everrrr recommend this company to anyone. This is a bunch of people scamming you and taking all of your money! Do not, I repeat do not ever ever invest in everfx.
28 Sep 2020Manuel
Hi, I have the same experience. They just want you to invest. Lucky I just spent $750 on them. But still the money is gone so far. What ever you do, don't invest in everfx!
20 Aug 2020Noel
I saw an advert linked to TV explaining that I could make some easy money by investing only 250 euro, I registered with everFX and had an agent (Darina) call me and said everything will be OK, I have no trading experience so I put my trust in this so called broker, Darina got me to invest 10,000 euro within a couple of days, later she told me if I don't add another 5,000 euro I could lose the original 10,000 euro, she was so forceful, reluctantly I invested another $5,000, I managed to get her to forward me 1,000 euros which totaled 875.26 euro, even that took about five days to go into my account, after about a week I made about 5,000 euros, after about two weeks I requested and ask if I could take my money and my profit and go, she said no I cannot, she said I need to invest another 5,000 euro to be able to withdrew any money, I told her I don't have anymore, she insisted and told me that I do, I got quite angry and told her I do not have anymore, she reply well I'm sorry but you will lose your 15,000 euro plus the profit totaling about 20,000 euro and the initial 250 euro I started with, now all my money is gone, I have nothing.
20 Jan 2021Lina
Did you or anyone manage to raise a claim against them? I am thinking if I can find a reputable chargeback company to get at least something back.
5 Aug 2020Sb
Avoid at all cost. They are shameful bunch of scammers, stay well clear do not invest any money. Hopefully fraud police will be catching up with them soon and they will feel the force of the law. Disgusting bunch.
20 Jul 2020Venky
These guys are mega fraud. Don't even go near to them and they will convince you to put money and give you the dreams like put 10k and you will earn 70k in one or two months. Especially one guys called Sam, he will call you if you are in UK and then he will give you all the dreams over the phone like hell and he will manage your account and make profits like PAMM account. Don't even believe them about PAMM. it's all rubbish and they burn your account in few days or weeks maximum. I had an experience and they cleared my account in few weeks. Sam said he has great guy who manages very big accounts in PAMM, but I think I was only guy and they made trial and error with my real money. please dont even belive these guys. if you want save your money stay aware with everfx guys. they charge you 3% for withdrawal of your money.
26 Jan 2021Akbar Shams
Absolutely you are right. They the same to me. They are thieves. I lost all my two years savings with those rubbish guys. If any of the call you don't believe Angela. Vincent. Riaz. Or any rubbish name from this company.
9 Jun 2020Kevin Morgan
Tried to withdraw $250 initial deposit. After they (EverFX) confirmed withdrawal acceptance still no money returned.
7 May 2021Ian
Made the deposit of $250.00 with EverFX, lost a further $750.00 with fraudulent transactions on my credit card and had card suspended, I am e-mailing EverFX manager to cancel my registration and request a refund.
24 May 2020Ariel
All the negative comments below seems all correct! Im personally a victim to this broker!! I just started a 250 USD deposit. After that they call me and guide how to trade, after see the results, he asking me to deposit 2500, luckily I declined, due to the comments below which is very scary. He ask me again to deposit even 1000 usd. I strongly decline due to suspecious motive on keep asking money to deposit. After that i did answer anymore their call for so many times. I requested to withdraw my money but as expected was declined. So to all who gonna wish to try to this broker? Dont ever try! You only waste your money and time.
25 Apr 2020Jose Hidalgo
Professional scammers. I would like to advice everyone about the bad practice taken in place by this broker, and i will share my experience. The 16 of April I opened different possitons in Usoil, My trades hitt the Take profit giving me a profit of of 1372.84. Sudenly hours later i had a "balance fixed" operation taking out of my account 1550.00. have been trying to get some info regarding the reasons for that "fixed balance" the only answer i got is basically that the contract futures was expiring on that same night. I was not given any information (emails, Pop ups, or anything) regarding that expiration. moreover, the amount that the balance fixed it overcomes the profits, and they still deny a full refund. Iaf anyone is on the same situation, please contact me i would love to gather some people in order to build up a collective sue.
22 Apr 2020Valero David
Everfx: Very aggressive manager. You gain nothing. You will waste all your time and money. Either way they take all your investment from you. Look for nothing with them. You would lose all of your stake.
24 Jan 2020Forexnewb
Platform is fine, the managers are aggressive pushers of probably scammy products. One conversation with this type of managers was enough to tell wether this was legit or not such a pushover
13 Jan 2020Twilb
Lost all my money. They open a bunch of positions for you via any desk. Also thinks they rig your account when you making very large profit. don't trust. Stay away
4 Feb 2021Harper
They changed the lots from 00.01 to 0.10 saying put more money around 2,500 or more.
18 Dec 2019Andrei Chashchev
Platform is fine, the managers are aggressive pushers of probably scammy products. One conversation with this type of managers was enough to withdraw my funds. Stay away
30 Sep 2019Els Peters
Bad account manager. Get your money inside and lose everything in one day. Why training? I do not yet know how to open a position. Account manager does everything via Anydesk and I can only press the ok button at the end. You lose everything the next day. And support, ho. Diverese emails sent and no response back. Mr. Karoullas addressed, and this one does not give home either. SCAM for the small investor
17 Nov 2020Oscar
Everfx is just a scam and people should be very careful with them, scamming people around.
EverFX is a fully regulated broker of CFDs on Forex, Metals, Commodities, Cryptos and more. We’re determined to forge close partnerships between traders and broker, leading the way into a new era for online trading. One of our primary goals is to educate traders on how markets work in an honest and transparent way. We firmly believe that our clients’ success is our success so we'll do our best to help them improve their strategy. Our client-centric approach is what sets us...
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